To get through what’s coming, we’re going to need the deepest and highest truths we can get — to keep us sane and balanced and loving.
Look, I need to say some things. I’m sitting here in my mother’s living room, it’s late, she’s asleep, and I can’t. I need to write this.
A few weeks ago I posted this list of life lessons I would want to tell people if I were about to die. I stand by it. I still feel that way, absolutely.
But now — maybe it’s because of El Paso and Dayton back to back. And then Toni Morrison, today. The Arctic heat wave that just happened. Maybe for some reason, or all of this put together, I’m feeling my mortality right now, or all of ours.
I feel like, yes, any one of us could die tomorrow. I could. It’s possible.
And not only death. Death isn’t necessarily the hardest or most painful thing.
Shit is coming down every day.
People are suffering. And scared.
We know things are getting worse, and that they’re going to get a lot worse.
For a lot of people in the world, they are already.
So that’s why I wish I could say these things that I’m about to try to. I wish I could say them in a way that…